The eye of fear is a philosophical concept of pure pessimism and fear of what the future has in store. Everyone sees the same thing under a different lens. What I see as beatuy, someone else will see as vile, and another as "meh".
I recently spoke to a friend about the concept of subjective reality and debating it. Her theory was that there is no one reality and it is different based on our perception of reality. I don't share this view completly. I believe that people percieve reality differently, but there is but one reality, viewed through a different lens. For example: If I cannot percieve the comcept of fire, it doesm't mean it does not exist to me, just that I cannot percieve it and I will still be burned by the flame.
Back to the Eye Of Fear. The EOE is a disortion of reality, like every other lens. As a mystic, I attempt to walk the path of truth. To fine tune my lens to see the one reality. The EOE is one of the major disortions of reality that hinders our existence. One who has been cursed with the EOE sees failure and doom everywhere. They see defeat where victory really lies, they see death where there really is life and utter doom where there is only salvation. This also
The EOE lens is negativity in it's purest form.
People who see life through this lens accomplish nothing because they have already assumed they will fail and and never try. Life is about reading one's probabilty of success and what lens one uses is vital. The lens of megalomania is on the opposite side of the negativity/positivity spectrum. Someone viewing life through this lens see themselves as perfection personified. They feel they cannot possibly improve so they do not try. They feel themselves invincible, so they see no need for caution. This lens is just as poisonous as the eye of fear in the negative impact on life
The Eye of Megalomania is Positivity in it;'s purest form. Both suck. My philosophy of life is to study the world around me and adjust my lens accordingly, so I may take appropriate action.
Of course things make this difficult as hell, such as mental illness and sensory issues. Let's use a concert as a example. The blind man cannot see the concert, the deaf womean can see the concert but cannot hear the music. The man with no sense of smell can see and hear the concert but cannot smell the booze and unwashed masses around him.
Mental illness is a touchy subject and I am no expert, but from what I've seen. mental illness tends to enhance ort deaded our ability to precieve certain things, and distort some things altogether. There is the danger of indoctrination also. As children, we have been conditioned to wear a lens that is accepted by our families and community.
I believe that fine tuning our personal lenses is the primary way to improve our lives. To see reality for what it really is and take action to improve our lives instead of using improper lenses and inadvertently making our lives harder.