The Advent of Excellence

Sunday, February 27, 2011

What is the "Eye Of Fear" And other lenses of reality

The eye of fear is a philosophical concept of pure pessimism and fear of what the future has in store. Everyone sees the same thing under a different lens. What I see as beatuy, someone else will see as vile, and another as "meh".   

I recently spoke to a friend about the concept of subjective reality and debating it. Her theory was that there is no one reality and it is different based on our perception of reality. I don't share this view completly. I believe that people percieve reality differently, but there is but one reality, viewed through a different lens. For example: If I cannot percieve the comcept of fire, it doesm't mean it does not exist to me, just that I cannot percieve it and I will still be burned by the flame.

Back to the Eye Of Fear. The EOE is a disortion of reality, like every other lens. As a mystic, I attempt to walk the path of truth. To fine tune my lens to see the one reality. The EOE is one of the major disortions of reality that hinders our existence. One who has been cursed with the EOE sees failure and doom everywhere. They see defeat where victory really lies, they see death where there really is life and utter doom where there is only salvation. This also

The EOE lens is negativity in it's purest form.

People who see life through this lens accomplish nothing because they have already assumed they will fail and and never try. Life is about reading one's probabilty of success and what lens one uses is vital. The lens of megalomania is on the opposite side of the negativity/positivity spectrum. Someone viewing life through this lens see themselves as perfection personified. They feel they cannot possibly improve so they do not try. They feel themselves invincible, so they see no need for caution. This lens is just as poisonous as the eye of fear in the negative impact on life

The Eye of Megalomania is Positivity in it;'s purest form. Both suck. My philosophy of life is to study the world around me and adjust my lens accordingly, so I may take appropriate action.

Of course things make this difficult as hell, such as mental illness and sensory issues. Let's use a concert as a example. The blind man cannot see the concert, the deaf womean can see the concert but cannot hear the music. The man with no sense of smell can see and hear the concert but cannot smell the booze and unwashed masses around him. 

Mental illness is a touchy subject and I am no expert, but from what I've seen. mental illness tends to enhance ort deaded our ability to precieve certain things, and distort some things altogether. There is the danger of indoctrination also. As children, we have been conditioned to wear a lens that is accepted by our families and community.

I believe that fine tuning our personal lenses is the primary way to improve our lives. To see reality for what it really is and take action to improve our lives instead of using improper lenses and inadvertently making our lives harder. 

Friday, February 25, 2011

What Is A Hero?

I've been thinking about that. In reality and fiction we all look for heroes. The dragonslayer, the protecter and the rescuer. I have my own theroies. Maybe we look for heroes because they have within them the things we wish we had and none of the things that that we are ashamed of in ourselves.

We watch action movies because the characters dare to do what we wish we could but will never do. We play certain games so we can get a step closer to being the hero we dream of being.

We dream of being the badass so we can never let someone decide our fate. We dream of being the dragonslayer because there are problems and troubles in our lives we wish we can destroy. We dream of being the protector because there is someone in our lives that are very important to us but we have failed to protect. We dream of being the rescuer because there is someone you love in a terrible situation that you cannot save them from.

Instead of looking for heroes, maybe we should become ones ourselves.  You don't need a S on your chest to be a protector, you don't need a mighty blade to slay a dragon. You don't need weapons to be a badass and you don't need anything special to be a rescuer.

You just need the fire in your heart, your will to never give up and love for all people to be a hero.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

America Needs Brave Patriots, Not Cowardly Sheep

I don't even care anymore about trying to confront bigots. I already decided to not waste time arguing with talking heads on twitter and the internet at large. 

I will confront them on the mean streets of Louisiana and the real world

If I have to bleed, if I have to crack a skull or two. If I have to die, I will die on my feet rather than on my knees. The people in the middle east are dying for freedom and Americans are just sitting there like docile cattle stil doing what we're told.

The motherfuckers in this country are taking away all our rights and all we can do is fight one another and let the spoiled fat cats rule over us. You motherfuckers who ride on the back of real freedom fighters just to get what you want are guilty too. As soon as we help you assholes out you will disappear from the face of the planet. The civilians of the western world are cowards. No one here is willing to die for their freedom, no one is will to do anything for their freedom.

Most of us have gotten comfortable being oppressed. Most of us accept it as a fact of life. Most of us are cowards.

rant over

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Lessons After Adam

Finished watching Adam. A romantic movie about a man with Asperger's syndrome. Lovely movie and I learned a lot from watching it. There's a lot I have to work on, and even tho everyday social interaction is like work to me, it's work that pays.

The hard truth of the manner is that I cannot be myself. No one can to be even more honest. Neurotypicals are used to hiding their true feelings and thoughts to avoid insulting, angering and scaring away others.

I cannot be completly honest, for hard bitter truths cut deeper than any knife. I understand from a intellectual aspie point of view that people lie and tell half truths in order to protect their and their loved one's feelings. Like someone said in the movie, aspies have to seperate the liars from the liars that are worth it Because all people lie. 

Aspies also have to watch what they say and avoid assuming that people have the same set of likes and dslikes that they do. We have to guard our worlds carefully and try our best to learn the unwritten rules in a given group before uttering a word.

This behavior of NT's is very alien to me, but in order to survive in this world, I must adapt in order to survive. I do hope that I can find someone or a group of friends that I can be myself around for a little bit.

                                  Because contary to popular belief, aspies don't wanna spend their whole life alone. No one does.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My First Good Fight

Very early in childhood I was interested in helping people. When I was but a young child, a friend of the family sat me in front of the tv and watched Wild America with me. Ever since then I had a interest in animals and science. I wanted to become a scientist because of that.

I learned about the great minds of yesteryear who discovered and invented things that greatly helped the human race. The discovery of the penicillium fungus which lead to the miracle drug Penicillin, which lead to all sorts of antibiotics that increased the life expectancy of human beings drastically.  

I wanted to join their number. To dedicate my life to become a extension of science, to use my knowledge to help the human race and solve all the problems that plague life. My first good fight was for all beings. The human race and animals. To cut it short, I wanted to save the world. 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Advent of the Unified Justice Movement

I've been getting knee deep in the civil rights fight and I can't say I'm impressed. I've concentrated on LGBT rights so far and the whole movement is a goddamn mess. In reality there are multiple factions and movements, with some actively working against the other.

There are sectarian groups in the LGBT acronym. Privileged White Gay Males, Lesbian Separatists,  Anti Monosexuals and Anti Cisgender groups in the presumably monolithic acronym that butt heads with each other more often than the people trying to shaft us all.  All these groups need to get the boot so we all can bring about the Advent of Unified Justice.

 The main reason for clashes between the LGBT Rights Movement and the Black Civil Rights Movement is the assholes in both groups. Mainly the Privileged White Gay Males and the Black Religious Right. Even for the most kindhearted black people's hearts will turn ice cold if you attack them with racial epithets. Speaking as a person of color, I am really to help anyone until they do certain things, like calling me a nigger. After that, I wouldn't piss on then if they were on fire. Black people are just hyper sensitive to racism, and for good reason.

So the main thing for people to do if they truly want justice for all and not just themselves is to stop being selfish assholes. End of story.