This is bar none the most poisonious thing being force fed to mankind and human males in particular. In our culture today intelligence, empaty and and compassion is shunned by the human race. Last I heard, intelligence, empathy and compassion is what seperated us from the beasts.
Getting wasted is celebrated while making good grades is shunned. Being a violent woman beating asshole is considered normal while being sensitive is "gay"
Being intelligent, empathetic and compassionate is what saved us from the forces of nature, it saved us from the plague and it saved us all from macho scum many times.
I feel that we should foster these attributes and remove the attributes the knuckledraggers hold so near and dear and since they want to be animals, we should lock them in cages like animals.
The world was improved by kind and sensesitive men who wanted to help their fellow instead of kick each other's ass and beat their chests like cavemen.
These jocks are helping no one, not even themselves
Real men need to take back and redefine what it means to be a man. Because being a brain dead animal isn't it.
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